
Prepare, Prevent, & Protect

In today’s digital age, protecting your business from cyber threats is more important than ever. At PiDoxa, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity services that include Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection and Response (MDR). With EDR, our team will monitor all endpoints on your network for any suspicious activity, such as malware infections or unauthorized access attempts. If we detect a threat, we’ll take immediate action to isolate the affected endpoint and contain the attack before it can cause further damage.
With MDR, our team will provide 24/7 monitoring of your network for any signs of an attack. We deploy advanced tools and techniques to identify potential threats in real-time, so we can respond quickly and effectively. If a threat is detected, we’ll work with you to investigate the incident, determine its scope, and develop a plan to remediate the issue. With our cybersecurity services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected from even the most sophisticated attacks.

At PiDoxa, we believe that the best way to protect your business from cyber threats is to educate your employees about how to recognize and avoid them. That’s why we offer comprehensive cybersecurity training for your clients and their employees. Our courses cover a range of topics, including social engineering, password security, email safety, and more. We also conduct regular phishing tests to help you gauge the effectiveness of your cybersecurity policies and procedures.

In addition to our training services, we can help you plan and implement SOC and SOC2 compliance programs to ensure that your business meets industry standards for data security. Our team will work with you to identify potential vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, develop strategies to mitigate those risks, and provide ongoing support to maintain compliance over time. With our cybersecurity training and SOC/SOC2 services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is prepared for even the most sophisticated attacks.

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your business is by implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that focuses on a layered approach.

PiDoxa sees issues every day and solves them—with the latest tools and insights developed over years of hands-on experience. We’ve seen it all and offer ability and preparedness that other providers and teams can’t match.

Fortify Your Defenses

Schedule a FREE consultation to discover how we can help you prepare, prevent, and protect your company from cyberattack.